The Frog Exchange
The problem:
Many species of frogs, and indeed most amphibians, are at risk of extinction. Numerous species have disappeared and others are at risk. The combined effects of global warming and climate change, together with human interventions have led to massive destruction of habitat.
In addition, the chytrid fungi, Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis, has spread to many parts of the globe, primarily due to human movements. This extraordinarily lethal organism is killing amphibians in their millions..
Over 90 species of frogs and salamanders have become extinct, and another 120 species have undergone population losses of 90% or more.
Much of what led to this destruction has been directly caused by us. We can, however, fight back.

The Frog Exchange project
This is very simple. We will collect some spawn or even tadpoles from local ponds and streams and offer them to those residents with ponds that never had, or no longer harbour frogs.
In addition to this website, we will also post on the Tatsfield talk FaceBook page, and also on eco-tatsfield social media.
As an additional measure, we will also be looking for residents to create new wildlife ponds in their gardens. And, more widely, look at our communal spaces in the village where there will be potential for creating water habitats. We will approach the Tatsfield Parish Council to bring them on board with this project.
Want to build a wildlife pond? Here are some ideas …
The Wildlife Pond || Jessie at Plot 37
Step By Step How To Build A Wildlife Pond For Your Garden Or Allotment | Simplify Gardening